Printmaking with Iain Hodgkinson – SOLD OUT

7-night residential course in Herne Bay with Iain Hodgkinson
Printmaking with Iain Hodgkinson – SOLD OUT


Join us for a week of printmaking and sketching in the gorgeous county of Kent on the 18th of May 2024.
During this 7-night residential course which will include all your meals, you will be creating a journal of sketches and studies alongside experimenting in tutorial sessions with a wide range of printmaking techniques in inventive combinations. Our outings during the week will take us sketching in and around the towns of Herne Bay, Whitstable, and the Kent Marshes with a cultural visit to the Turner Contemporary – one of the UK’s contemporary art galleries in Margate. The course includes two full days (Tues & Fri) dedicated to turning your sketches into Lino or Woodcut prints for you to take home.